About Me

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Mother of one child, two dogs-Mutley & Scruffy, two cats-Casper & Persia, two birds-Sparky & Sunny and five little fishies. Lest we forget a husband! Smile :)

Monday, April 3, 2017

Fun Facts about LynLee

Hello My Sweet Girl,

Today I was talking to you and you have been telling me some interesting facts about yourself.  You decided that you really like Dancing With The Stars very much.  The dancing, the fun music, and most definitely the sparkling dresses!  

I came to get you late today at school, but you were ok with that because you said that you like to talk to your teacher, Mr Butler.  That way the other kids don't interrupt you when you are talking with him. It made me laugh.   You just recently told Mr Butler that Scruffy likes to shop in the pantry.  He actually likes your shredded mini wheats and often times will eat the remaining package before you get to finish them off. 

You most recently got done with your PAWS testing.  It's a district wide test that the 3rd - 8th.  Your school puts lots of emphasis on the testing.  But this time they also gave you a PAWS party which included pizza and a blizzard.  You are such a nerd though!  You found some extra booklets for studying in my room and you got all excited because you had extra homework!  Such a nerd!  But my nerd so I love you!  

Well, My Love,  I will write more later. 

I love you so very much, 


Sunday, January 29, 2017

OMG! Has it been 5, almost 6 yrs!!!

So, it's official....your mother stinks at writing....well, anything that comes to writing!  I wanted to chronicle all the amazing things that you do in life, but I really suck at it.  I hate writing, even if it is only typing!  But I am going to try to keep up from now on.

Let's do a run through of the years I have missed, shall we?

4 years old:
Miss Mickey

This is the 2nd year that you went to Head Start.  Mommy would volunteer all the time since I hated being away from you.  But you were so independent that you play with all the other kids, while Mommy makes friends with all the other kids and the teachers.  lol, you are a funny little girl.   You loved to read and play with the play dough.  You loved making the crafts and circle time.

In Head Start you get picked each day for an assigned job, which you adore!  You love to be line leader.  But you will settle for door holder or calendar helper.  You were so cute when you would help the teachers out.

5 years old:
Mr. Vaughn

You started Kindergarten this year.  You have gone to Poder since Kinder, your teacher is Mr. Vaughn.  You adored him and thought he was the best teacher.  Truth be told he is a good teacher, but I felt like he gave a lot of homework.  It was all ok though, because you got all your homework done and were very good at it.

You won two red shirts this year in school!  You have a crush on a boy name Malikai.  I have not seen him, or know who he is, but you were pretty enthralled in him.

6 years old:
Mrs Trautwein

This is your first grade year.  You had Mrs Trautwein for your teacher.   She was super nice and it was her first year teaching after graduating from college.  Your class was less than stellar, there were a lot of strong willed personalities in your class.   This year your crush, Malikai, left the school and you turned your sights to Dominic.   He will be your crush until 3rd grade, when he left the school as well. 

This is your 2nd grade teacher.   Mrs Ammon.  You loved her, she was super nice and she knew how to make the kidlets behave themselves without yelling.   It was tough for her at first since she came a little after the school year had started.  But she got everything under control.   She used to talk about her twin, I can't remember her name, but this is a picture of Mrs Ammon and her twin at her sisters wedding.  She even let the class call and talk to her sister to congratulate her on her engagement.  

This is your 3rd grade teacher Mr Butler.  You really adore him and I am sure that it is because he makes the trouble makers in your class be a lot better than they used to be.  He has made a couple of them cry and this amused you.  Again, I am pretty sure that it has helped you in your class work so that the class is not unruly. You have made sure that you have given him little gifts here and there, a brownie, suckers, halloween candy, etc.   I am glad that you have gotten to enjoy having Mr Butler as your teacher.

Well, this catches you up on your schooling thus far.  I am going to try to be better at getting you blog up to date, but I also send you little emails to your email I have set up for you so that you can get information from both places about your childhood.

I love you, Boogie!

All my love,

Monday, October 21, 2013

Almost Three

Today you are visiting your Grandma Nancy in Denver. I miss you so much and can't wait to hug you, squeeze you, and love and snuggle you! But you, you are having fun staying with Grandma because when I call to talk you tell me "Hi! hi, hi, hi, hi, hi!" I ask you questions and you answer them, but then you yell "Goo-Bye" and throw the phone. It makes me laugh! :D

You are so talkative now, it is sometimes hard to get you to settle down and be quiet. When I am pensive you are in the mood to chatter and you ask all sorts of questions. You like to go to the stores and run errands, but you want to be home too. So after about two stops you start asking "We go home now?" I tell you, in steps, how many more places we need to go and you tell me "all-right."

Your little personality is starting to take more of a shape too. We went to Utah to visit and to look for a house so that we might move back home. We left you with cousin Tyrinn and the dogs stayed too. When we came back we brought some water for Tyrinn, and a Tummy Yummy for Lillee, which you don't like, and a Sprite for Madysin you got so upset because we didn't get you a drink.  But that was because we were leaving to go out to eat and wanted you to wait.  You told us that Daddy liked Lillee more because she got a drink and you didn't.  It was cute and a little obnoxious! :D

Nationwide Insurance - Brand New Belongings


So this commercial is on your blog because your cousins came to Wyoming this summer.  The summer of 2013.  Each time they watch something: a movie; tv show; cartoon; a commercial, they tell each other which character they think they act like or want to be.  This commercial came on and we were in the living room and Everette so sweetly says, "Look, that girl is Autie!"  I smiled and laughed to myself.  It was one of the sweetest things my cute little nephew has said.  Especially since I can't do a whole lot because of my hip, not to mention my weight.  And God love him, I have never been able to do a cartwheel for fear of landing on my head!  :D  I just thought that you might get a kick out of this and could share it with your cousins.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The things you say....

Well my dear, you are now about 3 yrs and 5 months old. You are so silly and you absorb absolutely everything you hear. I say "damn" too much, so you have started using that word. You don't use it all the time but you do pull it out when it is appropriate.

You will watch the cats run through the house or see the dogs doing something they are not supposed to do and you will say "Uggghhh, those damn dogs" Or "those damn cats." Seriously all I can do is snicker because you say it so cute. Just yesterday though you called your dad an Asshole! That was not ok, it was sort of funny because you are so young, but we had a talk that it is not lady like to say that. Mommy has promised not to use those words as much. I usually only say Damn, but sometimes the other words come out. I am a passionate person, so sometimes they sneak up on me. :")

You told me yesterday at the store, when I said we had to get eggs, "are you kidding me?" Some lady in the aisle started laughing and asked me if that was truly what you said. I told her it was so. You also told Daddy on Halloween, when your bucket was almost full of candy, "I can't believe my bucket is almost full!" You come up with some of the funniest things, but they are always at the most appropriate time.

Today you were watching Team Umizoomi, one of your favorite shows that you like to watch, and when the commercials come on you have started the whole "I want that!" spiel. So you said you wanted something and I chuckled and told you that you wanted everything you see. You turned to me and said, "You need to be rich!" You are so silly.

You still are very loving, sweet, and you take care of the animals really well. When I ask you to feed the dogs you like to get the bowl and feed them by hand. You take care of Mutley because he gets sick if he does not eat. He is mostly the one that you feed by hand. Scruffy inhales his food too fast to put up with you trying to feed him. :D

This year for Halloween you went as a witch. You had to be scary or "mean" as you put it. So we painted your face green and I decked you out with a "mean" witch face. But most people just thought you were cute.

Just this week you also finished your Potty training. You have been going pee in the potty for a while now. But one night you ran to the bathroom and did not even have the light on, so I came to the bathroom to turn on the light and you were on the potty. I asked if you were done and you grunted out to me, "No, I am pooping." It was a very happy day for me, too! :D I have been worried about you not potty training as soon as the other children in your Sunday school class, but was also told not to worry. And I should not have worried, because you have done it in your own time.

Well, My love,
I will write more for you later.
I love you!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Own Personality

Hello My Love,

I am back to talk about what a wonderful child you are. You are sometimes a pest too, but for the most part I could not ask for a better child.

Of late you have decided that you like to color. You would color before, but you would only color on plain or lined paper. You would not color on any coloring book pages or pages that I would print up. But now you like the pictures as well. You don't really care for colored pencils and crayons are even worse, instead you like markers. You dislike when they break and you will bring them to me or toss them in the garbage as they are little and broken. You seem to like to color on yourself more and more. It really irks me when you do this, so I take the markers away and you don't get them for a day. Recently, since Valentines is coming up, I printed out a bunch of cute valentine pictures and hearts for us to color. We bought the little pre-made valentines too, we are going to color some and put them together to mail out to the family. It has been fun. You color a lot quicker than Mommy, so you tore through your coloring pages and Mommy dutifully colored her pages. We will continue coloring tomorrow since you got bored with it. :D

We have been going to church each Sunday. It is the highlight of your week. You absolutely love playing with the other children. I am glad that you are so well behaved. You are polite and easy to get a long with. I watch other children who are an only child and they are just rough and don't share well. When another child takes the toy you are playing with you just stare at them with a heartbroken look on your face as if to say "Why did you take my toy...that makes me sad and hurts my heart." But you never hit or grab back. It makes me happy that you have been such a well behaved and loving child.

You have been putting your sentences together very well lately. You tell me all sorts of things
like: "I wake up." or "Baby puppy is hungry" of course your hungry comes out sounding like: hungy. For the most part you enunciate your words fairly well for a toddler, but some words I am just not sure about. Yesterday you wanted "motters" but I could not see that your little mouth was making the "M" I thought you wanted brother, or booger, or anything but markers. Daddy came to tell me that was what you wanted and we solved the dilemma.

Well, My sweet girl, You are currently watching Tom and Jerry (your current favorite cartoon) and then supposed to be napping, but you keep yelling at me: "momma, momma, I wake up!" LOL, too much!

I love you babydoll,
Your Mommy!!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

November 2010

I have sent you away this past week to your Grandmother's house for five days prior to Thanksgiving so I could over haul the house and get some much needed cleaning done that I could not do with you here. It was bittersweet to have you gone from home. I missed you so much I thought my heart would break. I had no snotty little girl to snuggle in the afternoons. No sweet little girl to kiss goodnight before bed. And no laughing little girl to "eat" or to tickle so I could hear the sweet laugh of my baby!

I am not sure I will do that again. It did, however, make me happy when you came home and did not want to leave me again. When Nana and Papa left to go home you would not even kiss Nana goodbye as you were afraid that she would take you home with her and away from Mommy! Sweet bliss, my daughter loves me! lol, not that I don't already know this, but it makes my heart feel that much better when you show me.

You are talking much more and you put words together more and more each day. Just recently you have told your father to "get back!" when he came into your room to tease you. You held up your little hand and yelled this at him so he would leave your room and leave you to watch your movie that was on. It was really cute.

Tonight Nov 27th, 2010 we went to the Christmas Parade. It was really cold out but you enjoyed it until about 15 mins to the end. You got cold, but we were at home afterward, we had eaten dinner and you were on the couch looking at the birds. I grabbed this flashy badge you have and yelled "Get away from the birds, FBI" you looked at me and said, "hey, no, give me that" and snatched your badge away from me as we laughed. It was adorable. I love the words that you say.

I love you my Sweet Turkey,
Love Mommy!

Friday, August 13, 2010

New Stuff

Hello My Booga,

I wanted to write to you to let you know the antics that you have gotten into these past few months. You are so funny right now. You are talking more and more each day. You like to mimic Mommy and Daddy. You especially like to be Mommy's echo! One day when Scruffy and Mutley got out we had to walk up and down the neighborhood to find them. Daddy and Ryan went one way and called for Mutley and you and I went the other way and called for Scruffy. I would call "Scruffy" and then you would call "Fuffy" I would say "Scruffy come to Momma" and you would say "Fuffy, Momma." You also like to boss them around. I caught you giving them grapes one day and telling them "sit" "sit." It was funny. When we take them out to go potty I will tell them "Go potty" and you will yell at them "Potty-go, potty-go!"

You also like to tell us mm-hmmm when we ask you a question. You call ice cream, keem. You love "keem" more than almost anything else.... well I guess you like popsicles as much as Keem!

One day we were helping some friends move for the most part of the day and then we went to Cheyenne Frontier Days for the evening. It was late when we got back to their house and we were supposed to take our friend to the airport in Denver and she was to be there at 4am. So she decided that we would just stay at her house until about 2am and then we would take her there. There were so many people in the house that we were staying in the van on an air mattress and we fell asleep. I told Daddy that we should just leave you asleep, since you are a bear-cat when you are tired or woken before you are ready, and Daddy said we should just make sure you were in your car seat. I told him that he had to make you mad and put you in the car seat. I went into the house to get you some milk and when I left you two you looked at me whining and said "why, why Mommy?" It was so cute and broke my heart at the same time.

You say more and more stuff each day. I love listening to you talk, but there are some things that you say that I am not sure of. You say "kee-go, kee-go, kee-go, kee-go" I am not sure what it means but is funny and if I say it to you then you will repeat it over and over again. I think it is funny and cute.

You love to go bye-bye and if you don't get to go you will throw a fit. I have to bribe you to behave sometimes. Oh, and you love to get into mommy's purse and wear her Bonne Bell lips. You love to get into the DVD's and try to play with them and bring them to me so we can watch it. But on the down side you get your little fingerprints on them and then they don't play. It really annoys Mommy when you don't listen and you don't leave them alone, but I am trying not to be so bugged by it. It is all a learning experience for me and for you, but we do pretty good.

Mommy seems to be your favorite parent, but that is only because I am at home with you all the time while Daddy works. When we go somewhere you won't let anyone buckle your seatbelt for you. Actually you do up the chest piece and then you tell everyone else..."no, mommy!" Then when we get to where we are going you say the same thing. I try to get you to let Daddy take you out of the car, but you tell him "no, Mommy!" You are a pill when you want to be.

We have met some new friends, Ken & Betty. They are really nice and good people too! You really like them and when I tell you we are going to Ken & Betty's you will say "Kehn and Beh-yee" over and over again. It is really cute.

Of course I think that everything you do is cute, well.....almost anything you do is cute. You love to help out. And if you use the word "help" you will almost try to do anything. It's not funny when you dump the water out of the tub onto the floor...or when you get into the paint while we are trying to paint the house....or when you unpacked the boxes in the back room onto the floor in a big pile, but you are just so curious. I think that is going to be the key to my undoing. I am not sure, but I have always been curious and I wonder now if I gave my parents hell trying to learn all that I could.

Well, My Little Monkey....I will tell you more about yourself later.
I love you with all my heart and soul,
Love Mommy!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Pictures of Booga!


Hello My Sweet Little girl,

I am truly saddened that I cannot call you a baby any longer. You are such a little girl that it is blatant you aren't babyish any more. But that is ok. Sometimes, even though you are not two even, I get a little fearful that you will grow up too quickly. I thought about this at Easter, you are almost two now, but next year you will be almost THREE!!! Then it just snowballs from there! Soon you will be four, but then I remember that is still two more years away and I take a deep breath and enjoy you as you are! :D
I wanted to update you one some more of the things you are saying and doing now. You are so sweet sometimes, lol, but other times you are such a pill. And with Mommy's and Daddy's tempers you have one of your own!! You will swat at whomever has annoyed you or my favorite...you will put your head down and then put your little hands on your face as if you are crying. It is really cute and a bit dramatic (which you get from your father! Lol) He is a drama king and now so are you, er, only a drama Princess! :D
Some of your words that you have started saying is "too" when you are told "I Love You!" You will call a butterfly a "tuh-ty". You will tell me yes or no, depending on your mood. You say "food" and "eat" when you are hungry, also "bite" when you want a bite. You tell us when you want a drink and you say "dink" or "joos" or "milk." You love "canny," of course what little kid doesn't! :) You love "noo-noes" which are ramen Noodles! I love to ask you if you want noodles, just to hear you say it!

You will say your colors when you are pre-empted. If you are not then everything is "purpel" Mommy was letting you carry some of Uncle Nick's playing cards around with you and then I got an inspirational idea. I would take the pile from you and flip them out to make a noise and when you looked at it I would tell you the number or the letter of the face card so you can learn them. We also count and say our ABC's until you get tired of it. So, we bought you some wooden blocks, which you also love, and you would hand them to Daddy and as you did you would count them from 1-10, but after that you would get lost! I guess we should have counted higher! But you will say your ABC's one at a time right after us, well for the most part. You have your own little ideas and sometimes you will just look at us or shake your head and say "no" in that cute little voice of yours.

You still love cats, I think more than any dog. You love your doggies, Mutley and Scruffy, but you love the kitties! I pulled up cats on Google one day and let you look at the pictures of kitties and you squealed and squealed about those darn cats! You found one that looked like Casper and you went wild!

You often squeal when you are excited! That is all that I can pull from my little brain right now. You do so many cute and wonderful things that sometimes it is hard to remember them all! But as they come to me or I see you do them again I will blog about them for you to see!

I love you Mommy's sweet little princess!!!

Kisses and Hugs,