About Me

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Mother of one child, two dogs-Mutley & Scruffy, two cats-Casper & Persia, two birds-Sparky & Sunny and five little fishies. Lest we forget a husband! Smile :)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

More learning....

You have recently decided that you need to walk up the stairs like a big girl rather than crawl up them. You still take the stairs step by step using your right foot to lead on each stair, but you hold onto the wall and if you get off balance you reach for the stair with your right hand and keep on going.

You are saying your name now, but it sounds like yinyee.....it is cute. You say big puppy, which is your grandma Nancy's stuffed dog that you have taken over. You will not go to sleep or nap without him.

You are such a little turd as you get into all sorts of things, mostly so you can learn about them all!

Well, my little monster,
I love you with all my heart!


Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I am back again to write some additional things that you currently do in your life and learning. I forgot to tell you about your kisses and loves that you give. They are so sweet and more often than not you will make the kissy noise when you are going to give a kiss, but you also make the fishy face when you are giving a kiss sometimes. But the funniest part is when Mommy asks for a kiss you will lean toward anyone else in the room and give them kisses, no matter how many times I ask for a kiss. You also do this with Daddy, Grandma, and Nick. You always give kisses to Grandpa and you rarely tease him.

One other thing that I was thinking of was the way that you go up and down the stairs. Since you are so independent you like to try to 'walk' up the stairs just like the big people in your life, but since you legs are so short it is quite a stretch to get to the next stair. But when mommy holds your hand you try so hard and one by one you will use your right leg to get up to the next stair. The sweetest thing is that mommy has a bad hip, which by now you should know. But it is hard at the end of the day for me to get up the stairs so I go up them one by one using my good leg which is my right leg. So, together we will slowly go up the stairs one by one using our right legs. You are the only one that is slow enough to walk up the stairs with me and it makes me happy!

So there are some more little things that you do right now. You are 16 months old now and you are so headstrong and confident that I hope you never lose that trait.

I love you baby girl,
Love Mommy!

Monday, October 5, 2009

New things you do....

Well it has been months since I have blogged about the things you have learned and the funny little things you do.

You have mastered walking. You run now and it is really cute too. You bounce more than you actually run, but its adorable.

You talk all the time. You say everything you possibly can: shoe or shu; duck or du--; bite; kitty or ki-i; puppy; mut-mut or mu-mu; scruffy or fuffy. You try so hard to say the things you do. You are so independent and have been for a few months. You like to eat like a big girl, none of the things I cut up for you are good enough. You have to have your food BIG so you can hold it or try to get it with your fork.

You have taken to saying mommy over and over when I have been gone from you and come home. It is so sweet. You also have been calling me Audie! Which your Aunt Misti nick-named me so it would be easier for children to say, but never did I think it would come back to haunt me!! lol You also call me honey or hun-ee. I call you honey and I call daddy honey all the time. So it was inevitable that you start using it too. It makes my heart melt.

You also make sure no one is using my cell phone or even has a hold of it! If daddy has my cell phone in his hand you fuss and whine and will cry eventually if he does not give it to you so you can bring it back to me. You will then carry it to me either calling me Mommy or Honey the whole way until you give it to me. Same with the remote! I am not sure why you think that mommy gets the remote, but daddy is not allowed to have it as it is mine. You do, however, make sure that daddy has his cell phone. If he leaves it anywhere you will grab it and call daddy until you give his phone back to him.

You like to help out around the house too. If there is a little piece of anything on the ground in the house, or outside for that matter, you will bring it to me or daddy to throw it away. You like to carry dishes if they are left out to the kitchen and then be picked up so you can put them in the sink. Then you will clap your hands as we tell you what a big girl you are. You are my sweet little helper.

One day daddy took the garbage can out of our bedroom and forgot to bring it back in. I had changed you before bed, then in the middle of the night, then when you got up. When we were done I got in the shower and afterwards while I was doing my hair you came into the bathroom and picked up the garbage can in the bathroom and carried it to the bedroom, I was not sure what you were doing but daddy brought the can back in and was chuckling at you. You had put the diapers in the trash can and picked up any trash you thought went in the can and threw it away. I only hope that this cleanliness will last through out your life.

Well, My sweet little honey, I will write more later and post some pictures of you as well as get some video of you running and such.

I love you always and forever my Booga!
Love Mommy Honey