About Me

My photo
Mother of one child, two dogs-Mutley & Scruffy, two cats-Casper & Persia, two birds-Sparky & Sunny and five little fishies. Lest we forget a husband! Smile :)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

LynLee 18 mos

New pics of LynLee.........Still so darn cute!!!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


So, it has been a few days.....almost two weeks since Halloween. I wanted to let you know how it went this year, you are walking and have some knowledge of what is going on.

I took you to the mall with Grandma since it may have been cold and I feel that you are still too little to be out in the night in the cold. At the mall we walked from store to store and "Trick-or-Treated." There would be a store associate handing out candy to the children there.

Several stores had candy. We would walk up to the associate and they would give you a piece of candy. You had on your Ice Princess outfit that Mommy had sewn for you and your pumpkin to collect the candy in. As the person handing out the candy would try to put the candy in your "bag" you would lean down to see what they were doing with your pumpkin and in turn the pumpkin, which was hanging by your side at arms length, would swing back away from the front of you and then the candy handler would have to lean wwwaaaayyyyyy down to get the piece of candy into the pumpkin. It was quite cute. You would look at them and study them with a blank look on your face as if you weren't sure what was going on.

We walked the entire mall and you were tired at the end. You were holding my hand and grandma's too. But you kept lifting your feet and pulling on us both, so we let go of your hands and you sat on the floor in the middle of the mall then lay down on your tummy!!! It was funny, but mommy picked you up and we went home.

When we got home all of the kids in the neighborhood were out in full swing, going from home to home Trick-or-Treating. We would take you to the door and have you help us hand out the candy. You finally caught on and when the doorbell would ring you would RUN to the door and then grab a handful of candy and put it in the children's bags. All the while looking at the faces of the children to examine and study the costumes they had on. You had a better time handing out the candy than you did collecting your candy!

This picture is of you trying to get "Ma" to come downstairs with you so you can continue to hand out candy.

All in all it was a fun day for you and for Mommy too!

Well, Honey, I love you and I will write more later.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

More learning....

You have recently decided that you need to walk up the stairs like a big girl rather than crawl up them. You still take the stairs step by step using your right foot to lead on each stair, but you hold onto the wall and if you get off balance you reach for the stair with your right hand and keep on going.

You are saying your name now, but it sounds like yinyee.....it is cute. You say big puppy, which is your grandma Nancy's stuffed dog that you have taken over. You will not go to sleep or nap without him.

You are such a little turd as you get into all sorts of things, mostly so you can learn about them all!

Well, my little monster,
I love you with all my heart!


Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I am back again to write some additional things that you currently do in your life and learning. I forgot to tell you about your kisses and loves that you give. They are so sweet and more often than not you will make the kissy noise when you are going to give a kiss, but you also make the fishy face when you are giving a kiss sometimes. But the funniest part is when Mommy asks for a kiss you will lean toward anyone else in the room and give them kisses, no matter how many times I ask for a kiss. You also do this with Daddy, Grandma, and Nick. You always give kisses to Grandpa and you rarely tease him.

One other thing that I was thinking of was the way that you go up and down the stairs. Since you are so independent you like to try to 'walk' up the stairs just like the big people in your life, but since you legs are so short it is quite a stretch to get to the next stair. But when mommy holds your hand you try so hard and one by one you will use your right leg to get up to the next stair. The sweetest thing is that mommy has a bad hip, which by now you should know. But it is hard at the end of the day for me to get up the stairs so I go up them one by one using my good leg which is my right leg. So, together we will slowly go up the stairs one by one using our right legs. You are the only one that is slow enough to walk up the stairs with me and it makes me happy!

So there are some more little things that you do right now. You are 16 months old now and you are so headstrong and confident that I hope you never lose that trait.

I love you baby girl,
Love Mommy!

Monday, October 5, 2009

New things you do....

Well it has been months since I have blogged about the things you have learned and the funny little things you do.

You have mastered walking. You run now and it is really cute too. You bounce more than you actually run, but its adorable.

You talk all the time. You say everything you possibly can: shoe or shu; duck or du--; bite; kitty or ki-i; puppy; mut-mut or mu-mu; scruffy or fuffy. You try so hard to say the things you do. You are so independent and have been for a few months. You like to eat like a big girl, none of the things I cut up for you are good enough. You have to have your food BIG so you can hold it or try to get it with your fork.

You have taken to saying mommy over and over when I have been gone from you and come home. It is so sweet. You also have been calling me Audie! Which your Aunt Misti nick-named me so it would be easier for children to say, but never did I think it would come back to haunt me!! lol You also call me honey or hun-ee. I call you honey and I call daddy honey all the time. So it was inevitable that you start using it too. It makes my heart melt.

You also make sure no one is using my cell phone or even has a hold of it! If daddy has my cell phone in his hand you fuss and whine and will cry eventually if he does not give it to you so you can bring it back to me. You will then carry it to me either calling me Mommy or Honey the whole way until you give it to me. Same with the remote! I am not sure why you think that mommy gets the remote, but daddy is not allowed to have it as it is mine. You do, however, make sure that daddy has his cell phone. If he leaves it anywhere you will grab it and call daddy until you give his phone back to him.

You like to help out around the house too. If there is a little piece of anything on the ground in the house, or outside for that matter, you will bring it to me or daddy to throw it away. You like to carry dishes if they are left out to the kitchen and then be picked up so you can put them in the sink. Then you will clap your hands as we tell you what a big girl you are. You are my sweet little helper.

One day daddy took the garbage can out of our bedroom and forgot to bring it back in. I had changed you before bed, then in the middle of the night, then when you got up. When we were done I got in the shower and afterwards while I was doing my hair you came into the bathroom and picked up the garbage can in the bathroom and carried it to the bedroom, I was not sure what you were doing but daddy brought the can back in and was chuckling at you. You had put the diapers in the trash can and picked up any trash you thought went in the can and threw it away. I only hope that this cleanliness will last through out your life.

Well, My sweet little honey, I will write more later and post some pictures of you as well as get some video of you running and such.

I love you always and forever my Booga!
Love Mommy Honey

Thursday, June 4, 2009


So it has come to my attention that you have some favorites in your life. Now I am not talking favorite parent or favorite person, we don't favor someone over another, its cruel. I am talking about colors, movies, etc.

I only state this because it is colors and movies that I have observed..... :)

Currently we have Nemo, Barnyard, and Valiant. You have chosen Barnyard as your favorite. The others can be one while you play and you will somewhat look at it every now and then. But when Barnyard is on you will walk up to the TV and you will watch the movie. You will take your bottle with you sometimes and hold it with one hand and watch the movie. It really is cute. I think that the movie has lots of music and songs in it so you prefer that one.

Your favorite color is PINK.....big surprise, huh? Most of your clothes right now are pink. But I often let you choose between two outfits to wear and majority of the time you will pick the pink one. We bought you some cute little sandals for your birthday and they were pink and you absolutely adored them. All of the clothes that you opened went straight over your shoulder onto the floor, but you loved your shoes. You are so funny!

You are walking now and you get all over the house. You walk like a little grandma with your arms bent at the elbow and your little hands in fists, you walk so slowly and take little wobbly steps. They get slower the more tired you are.

Well, my sweet baby girl, I love you and I will write more later.

your mommy!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

1st Birthday

Just this past Thursday was my babies 1st Birthday!~ She started to take some very tentative steps on the Tuesday before and was walking. Now she is not the best walker but she is getting better, even though the steps are still tentative.

She has started a new thing where she will lay down on her stomach to play. This morning she lay on her stomach to play in the tub and later in the afternoon when I gave her a snack she held one grape in each hand and lay on the floor on her stomach to eat them.

She talks a lot more and says Neeeeck for her Uncle Nick, and she will talk your ear off, but only in LynLeese. I swear that she says things like "that" or "this one" and many other small phrases, but they are more like a cockatiel talking so you hear them but they are not enunciated or even words, just word-like and mumbly.

For her first birthday she mainly received clothes, because she needs them and she doesn't need toys anyway. But she does not have any family here except her Father's parents and one of his brothers, so the party was small and intimate. We did barbecue burgers with bbq sauce and provolone cheese and we had tater tots, chips and salsa, and all the beverages you can drink (sodas only)!

She very lightly touched her cake and then slowly dug into it, but mainly ate the frosting. She tried to share, but once it was mixed together it did not look so appealing. When it came time to open her presents, she would take them and toss them over her shoulder onto the floor. She did this several times before being assisted in opening them. Once she opened them the clothes would then take another turn being tossed onto the floor. When she came to the shoes she decided that she would peek into the package and see what they were. She has a slight shoe fettish, one in which her father attributes to mommy's genes! She held the shoes and showed them to her grandmother who was taking pics.

On her birthday we (Ricky & Autum aka Daddy & Mommy) gave her our big present which was a Leap Frog Ride on Toy Train with all of the sounds that can drive an already sane person to drink. Lucky for us I am not sane enough to know the difference. She adores the train and will squeal with delight when she is playing with it, also squealing when it won't go any further due to the couch being in the way or also when she can't get on it and in many other situations. I may have mentioned that she has begun to squeal when she is annoyed, happy, etc.

All in all it was a good birthday for her. We did not overwhelm her with presents nor did we get her so many toys that she did not know which one to play with. Blame this on watching my sisters raise their children or you could just say that it is a blessing in disguise to be broke so that we had no options. Either way I am satisfied that her birthday was a good one.

Take care and Smile :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

New Words

It is April 2nd, 2009. I wanted to let you know what your vocabulary has become. You were saying Mama, Dada, Ba-ba, pretty much all of the usuals that infants say. And yes you were using them correctly.

Just last week you started looking at the lights in the house and businesses we frequent, so I said "llllliiiiiight!" and you watched me for several repeatings of the word. Then you said it! "Lllllliiiiiieeee!" Y ou are missing the T, but for the most part you say light. You even point to it when you say it.

You have been saying Baby for about 3 weeks and you have said Puppy twice, to me. But you smile a lot when asked to say puppy and you watch the dogs intently.

You say "Yeah," and "Oh," "mommy," "daddee." I think you say "Nana" for grandma, but you definitely say "Papa," for your grandfather. You crawl up the stairs and your grandparents house and yell Papa every few steps. Your grandfather has a bad back that has been fused together from his neck to just above his tail bone. He is often in pain and can't pick up much weight, and is on heavy medication, so he just sits in his office upstairs and you know that is where he is at. It's all very cute.

Oh yes, you say "bye-bye" or "bye" and waive. You like to tell anyone leaving this when YOU are done with them. It makes me smile and proud that you are dismissing people at such a young age! lol Not really, it's cute that you dismiss them, but we won't let you treat people that way all your life.

I think that is all of the words that you say currently. But I will write more about what you are up to.

I love you with all my heart and soul,
Love Mommy!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Funny Faces

So, it is a few days past St. Patrick's day, which coincindentally is your mother and fathers wedding anniversary! We celebrated our two year anniversary this year. But that is just a side note for this blog.

I wanted to tell you what you have been doing lately. As I said earlier in your blog you have not really been too amused with your sneezes. You try to suppress them and you absolutely hate it when I wipe your nose. Least of all is the nose "sucker." You cannot even fathom the reason or the functionality of this! No matter the results. But you have been a bit better when I wipe your nose and it is so funny! I love it! You will pucker up your face and then you spit raspberries with your lips.

It makes me laugh, so I tend to "wipe" your nose even if nothing exists just so that I can watch you and listen to your objectory raspberries.
I am quite sure that there will be several more times over the years that I find something cute or sweet that you do that make me want to torment you.
I love you Booga,

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Many Faces of LynLee Hope

These are some of the many faces that LynLee pulls and wears in her day to day life. It really does not show all of her personality, but it does portray it a bit.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Why this blog has been born

My name is Autum Verbeck and I had a baby girl in May. As I see her develop and learn all of the new and exciting things that a baby goes through on their journey of growing up I wanted to let her know what she was doing at each moment. I decided to write them down in a paper journal, but I really hate writing and I am much more adept at typing. Not to mention quicker!

So this is a journal for my daughter to know what was in her past. Also I want to make sure that no matter what happens in our lives that she has the ability to look back on this and know who she was and where she came from.

My Mother and Grandmother passed away 6 and 5 yrs, respectively. Since my biological mother and father have disappeared, and they are out of my life, I don't have any ties to my past. I don't know several things about when I was a baby and it would be nice to know so I could compare and contrast different things about my own children. I know some of the things that I remember being told, but for the most part I am lost and I feel like I lost my past. Which in a way I did, because there is no one to tell me...."when you were little...." Its hard to deal with, but in the same I can't change it.

In my efforts to make sure that Booga always knows where she came from and who she has been throughout her life I am making this blog. That bieng said, if you would like to join us on this Journey, feel free to follow along.

This is to you, My Dear Booga, I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it to you.

I love you with all my heart and soul!



About June

You are exactly 5 wks and 2 days old. I wanted to make sure that I remember all of the adorably cute things you do. Also, so that you always have an account of your childhood.

You were born May 21st, 2008 at 5:16 in th evening. We were supposed to be at the hospital between 12:30-1:00 in the afternoon. When we got there they took me to my room and started to set me up for the surgery. Oh yes, I forgot to tell you that you were going to try to stay for the long haul. You did not turn, so you were breech. And you didn't show any signs of trying to be born! So we had to have a c-section. See, you didn't care for change much then, either.

The Dr. was late as he was delivering another woman in a nearby hospital, but she was having problems so the Dr. might have had to do a c-section on her. And it turned out he did, so he was late.

At 4:30 pm the nurse came to tell me it was time to go into surgery. They gave me a spinal block to numb me from my chest down to my toes. During this time your father & grandma Nancy were waiting in the hall. I knew your dad would be worried, but he couldn't come in yet.

They got me all layed out, numb, & medicated then your father was let into the OR. He was so cute, he had tears in his eyes because he was worried about us both, you & me. Then the Dr.'s came in and at 5:16 you arrived. You were 9lbs, 10ozs & I loved you at first sight!

I had to stay in the Hospital for a while. The first night I had the nurse take you for a few hours, but after that I mostly kept you in the room with me & daddy. They let me keep you with me because your dad stayed every night with us in the hospital.

On the friday after you were born I was changing your diaper and when a baby is first born their poopie's are black, and yous was changing to a greenish (which was normal, I'm told.) So I wiped your little hiney and then....you pooped on the wipey!! So I cleaned you again and you pooped again, it was so funny! Well, now it is funny, back then it was horrible and I was a little unnverved. I'd never experienced that before!

Now let me tell you about the first time you sneezed. It was so cute. You wrinkled up your nose and made these sweet little cooing sounds that seemed like you were saying "oh." You were going to sneeze and right before you sneezed you let out a wail. The sneeze was foreign to you and you were not amused with it. It was adorable.

There were so many people that came to visit us & see you for the first time. The people who came were:

-Aunt Sheli & Uncle Jose, cousins Kenneth, Garrett, & Everett. Although Everett was only 3 mos old himself. (Mom's side)

-Aunt Misti, Cheyenne, & Nick (Mom's side, friends that we call "Extended Family")

-Grandma Nancy & Great Aunt Rose (Dad's side)

-Grandma Christy & Sara (Mom's side, friends that we call "Extended Family")

-Great Aunt Suzy (Dad's side)

-Grammy Violet & Gus (Mom's side, friends that we call "Extended Family")

-Great Aunt Rhonda (Mom's side)

-Aunt Tonya, Uncle Scott, Colton & Ashley (Dad's side)

And Aunt Tonya & Uncle Scott brought the prettiest carnations. And Daddy & Grandma Nancy brought me the most beautiful roses with a balloon.

Since then you have been a very good baby. You hardly cry & you are so sweet! YOu smile all the time and you love kisses. You especially like to be told that we love you. You love to snuggle, to be held, and of course Mommy does not mind at all.

Oh yes, at 2wks you weighed 10lbs & 3ozs and now you are 11lbs 4ozs. The Dr. and the nurses have all said you are doing great & Mommy and Daddy are taking good care of you!

Daddy just reminded me of something. I warned him all the time that you might poop on him, but he didn't believe me. So one day he brought you to his side of the bed, he was letting me sleep in, and he started to change you. AND you pooped on him! Twice! So he took you to give you a bath, but when he got you all stripped down, you pee'd all over him! It was hilarious!

Well Mommy's sweet little girl, I will write more later!

All my love,