About Me

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Mother of one child, two dogs-Mutley & Scruffy, two cats-Casper & Persia, two birds-Sparky & Sunny and five little fishies. Lest we forget a husband! Smile :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 2010

Well, Here it is about two months since the last time I blogged to you. But you are so funny!! Today you were all about your little tongue. You would hold it out of your mouth and between your lips while you were playing. Then when I would stick my tongue out at you then you would copy me. It was so cute!

These days your Uncle Nick drives you crazy! He wants to tease you and likes to try to scare you, but all you say is "Noooo" and wave your hand at him as to dismiss his antics. He even tried to talk to you and you tell him "nooo."

You love your Papa so much. You like to sit on his lap and just hang out with him. You will try to "play" that you are Papa and sit in his seat by his laptop and then put his oxygen hose around your neck. It really is sweet that you adore him so much.

You love to lay with Ma in her bed at night when they are getting ready for bed and watching tv. You like to lean back against the pillows and cover your little legs while watching what you call "v." When you wake up each morning, we change your diapey, then Mommy puts in a movie for you. At which point you will take over my spot on the bed and lean against my pillows and cover up so Mommy can't lie down any longer. :)

When we came back to Grandpa and Grandma's house to stay your favorite movie was Barnyard. I blogged about it earlier. But then your tastes changed to Garfield the Movie. You watched that movie forever! It was cute that you would sit so long for the entire show. We recently went to Utah and took Grandma's portable DVD player and that was the movie that kept you entertained. Now your favorite movie has changed again. In the last week and a half I put the movie Shrek 2 in for you to watch and you fell in love with it. This is usually the movie of choice in the mornings! I am not sure if you like the movie because of the music, but at this point in time I am more inclined to think that it is the cat in the movie that you like the most! If you see what I am getting at because there seems to be a theme in the last two movies that you have liked! :D

Sweetheart, Mommy just really wants you to know what your childhood is like because as the years go by we tend to forget the small things that we have done or our children have done. I want to be sure that you have all of the cute things and I am sure there will be some bad as we go so that you can reflect upon this just in case anything happens to Mommy or Daddy. Even if you are in your thirties!

Your Grandmother on my side died when I was 27. I was old enough to not need my mom for the most important part of my life, but there are still those times when it would be handy to be able to pick up the phone and just ask a stupid question about cooking, raising you, or being married. I would love to hear that you are doing the things that I used to do, but it is not possible. Every now and then your Aunt Melissa will mention that you do some of the things that I used to do.

I was complaining one day that you NEVER leave your hair intact when I make it look cute! And your Aunt Melissa told me that you were NOT like me in that department. My mother always made my hair cute and I left it in! lol, but that was a few months ago or a year, not sure. :D But you do leave your hair in for the most part. If I put a barrett in your hair you will pull it out, but a ponytail or piggy tails you leave those in until Mommy takes them out for bed.

I need to post more each day, but I don't want everyone to think that I gush over you, but they may be right! I love you LynLee with all my heart!

Smile my love,
Love Mommy

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