About Me

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Mother of one child, two dogs-Mutley & Scruffy, two cats-Casper & Persia, two birds-Sparky & Sunny and five little fishies. Lest we forget a husband! Smile :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Own Personality

Hello My Love,

I am back to talk about what a wonderful child you are. You are sometimes a pest too, but for the most part I could not ask for a better child.

Of late you have decided that you like to color. You would color before, but you would only color on plain or lined paper. You would not color on any coloring book pages or pages that I would print up. But now you like the pictures as well. You don't really care for colored pencils and crayons are even worse, instead you like markers. You dislike when they break and you will bring them to me or toss them in the garbage as they are little and broken. You seem to like to color on yourself more and more. It really irks me when you do this, so I take the markers away and you don't get them for a day. Recently, since Valentines is coming up, I printed out a bunch of cute valentine pictures and hearts for us to color. We bought the little pre-made valentines too, we are going to color some and put them together to mail out to the family. It has been fun. You color a lot quicker than Mommy, so you tore through your coloring pages and Mommy dutifully colored her pages. We will continue coloring tomorrow since you got bored with it. :D

We have been going to church each Sunday. It is the highlight of your week. You absolutely love playing with the other children. I am glad that you are so well behaved. You are polite and easy to get a long with. I watch other children who are an only child and they are just rough and don't share well. When another child takes the toy you are playing with you just stare at them with a heartbroken look on your face as if to say "Why did you take my toy...that makes me sad and hurts my heart." But you never hit or grab back. It makes me happy that you have been such a well behaved and loving child.

You have been putting your sentences together very well lately. You tell me all sorts of things
like: "I wake up." or "Baby puppy is hungry" of course your hungry comes out sounding like: hungy. For the most part you enunciate your words fairly well for a toddler, but some words I am just not sure about. Yesterday you wanted "motters" but I could not see that your little mouth was making the "M" I thought you wanted brother, or booger, or anything but markers. Daddy came to tell me that was what you wanted and we solved the dilemma.

Well, My sweet girl, You are currently watching Tom and Jerry (your current favorite cartoon) and then supposed to be napping, but you keep yelling at me: "momma, momma, I wake up!" LOL, too much!

I love you babydoll,
Your Mommy!!!